OCR: like to see PEM capabilities into as many usdrands as possible Wi the inceasing use o and eliance upon electmic mail theaudy availability of sptographic enhancements IS vital towads safeguading the security of electnic mail. Cyptography is no longer just for governments the militar hackers and cypherpunks. In addition to textual data as in mail message bodies, RIPEM Mac also supports normal, non -textual, Macintoshls When encrypting signing non- -textudefi RIPEM Mac uses the MacBinary protocol together with the eging Multi- -purpose Internet Mail Ex tensions (MIME) standard described in RFC1 1341 to carry the endeded Currently, the implementation in RIPEM Mac not conformant with theired MIME draft standadl. Howeverall futur versions of RIPEM Mac will be backwats compatible with the curent ...